Bijan Raahemi

B.Sc. (IUT), M.Sc. (SUT), Ph.D. (Waterloo), P.Eng, SMIEEE

Professor, Information Systems and Data Analytics

Principal Investigator, Knowledge Discovery and Data mining (KDD) Lab

Telfer School of Management

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (cross-appointment)

University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada

Research Interests

  • Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

  • Data Mining, Big Data Analytics, Applications in Business, Engineering, Healthcare

  • Information Systems and Technologies

  • Business Analytics, Business Intelligence

  • Data Communications Networks and Services

Contact Info

Room 6143
Desmarais Building
University of Ottawa

55 Laurier Ave., East
Ottawa, ON. K1N 6N5 Canada

Tel     : (613) 562-5800  Ext 4859

Fax    : (613) 562-5164

Email : braahemi {a t} uottawa {d o t} ca